ARTICLE: Duty Report - Basic Overview

ARTICLE: Duty Report - Basic Overview

The Reach platform provides the Duty Report function so that individual schools can customise templates and categories for reporting, based on their specific requirements.  Examples may include; End of Shift Report for Staff, Student Study Hall Report, or a Maintenance Report. Creating templates and categories is easy, which can also be edited or deleted at anytime as required. To submit a Duty Report is a simple matter of adding content to a pre-formatted template and determining who the report should be shared with upon submission. This document is a brief overview of Duty Reports while providing links to all other relevant information within the Knowledge Base (at time of writing).

System Setup

The first step of access control is via Infinity settings in System Configurations, to manage entire group Roles.
Secondly, permissions for individual control can be managed via the personal profiles Permissions Tab.
The listed control items are a tick on/off to manage the access required.

Next is to setup the categories for your new Duty Report templates to operate within, then create as many templates as required.

Create and Submit Reports

How to create a Duty Reports is next, and with the templates already setup, the process is quick.

Default Template and Email Addresses 

An unlimited number of report templates can be created, however, one template is generally used more than others. A default can be set via System Configuration so as to appear first when creating a report, this can easily be changed by the drop-down templates menu. System Configuration also provides the option to set default email addresses, this way the maintenance report can be sent directly to the grounds person and the nurse report can be sent to the nurse directly upon report submission.

Reporting - View and Export Data

Historical data is very important for student life management and reporting your duty reports is part of reporting.

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