ARTICLE: Staff - Basic Overview

ARTICLE: Staff - Basic Overview

This section of Reach is your quick access point to Staff tasks, with Duty Reports, the Staff Kiosk and Staff Rosters.

Main Menu >> Staff 

Roster Management

This Roster section provides a simple display with easy functionality to create staff shifts, and edit or delete them quickly. 
To create a new shift, simple click on the calendar, the Shift Details window will appear for you to manage the shift required.
To edit any current item, simple click on the pencil icon shown on that item, the Shift Details window will appear.
To manage the current items within your schools calendar, you can adjust the 'Views' to better review the data.
  1. Calendar views, with monthly / weekly / daily / list view
  2. Roster views, with calendar view / Shift View / People View
Additional information regarding Rosters can be viewed via the following item;

Staff Kiosk 

The Staff Kiosk is used to sign staff members in/out of various on and off campus locations, including viewing 'On Duty' staff.
This kiosk functions in a very similar way to the student kiosk, with the standard Reach filters, and the menu bar at the top.
You can access the staff kiosk via the student kiosk, by using the kiosk toggle on the far right of the menu bar.

Additional information regarding Kiosks can be viewed via the following items;

Submit Duty Report 

Creating and submitting Duty Reports is a simple matter of adding content to the pre-formatted report categories and determining who the report should be shared with.
An unlimited number of report categories can be created via System Configuration, allowing your school to better customise to its needs.
Circulating your Report to staff is easy by adding them with the filter 'Staff to Inform' or send to entire groups, you can also set individual categories to send to a specific email address by default, via System Configuration >> Duty Report Categories. Eg: Send the Maintenance section of your report to maintenance staff automatically upon report submission.
Additional features include, saving a draft to complete later and tagging students to a note is added to their pastoral records.

Additional information can be viewed via the following items;

View Duty Report 

This section is a simple data view screen, just select the required date range and click 'Search'. The table below will populate with the available data.
The data will list chronologically by default, rank the data by using the up/down arrows within each column header.
To view all items from a particular category, click the 'Bulk View' button, another window is provided, click on a line item to open the data.

Additional information can be viewed via the following items;

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