ARTICLE: People Management - Identifiers

ARTICLE: People Management - Identifiers

Once a contact profile has been created, additional information can be added at any time to enhance individual data.
The Identifiers tab within the profile will be explained here.
While the function of this tab is not required for some schools, it is very useful for others by integrating the schools current ID systems. 

Main Menu >>People Management >> View Contacts >> Profile >> Identifiers 

View Contacts

The People Management page presents current/active contact profiles via a table view, which can be adjusted with the filters provided.
Here you can view, collate, rank and export data as required. This page also allows the creation and bulk management of contact profiles.
To click on a line item will open the profile, across the top is a row of tab pages grouping data for the individual.

A detailed document explaining Contact Profiles can be found here: People Management - Basic overview

Identifiers Tab

This area allows a school to utilise existing identification methods within Reach. This may include; Student ID, NFC or RFID Tags.

How to setup Identifiers 

Adding an existing school identifier is simple step process;
  1. Click on the New Identifier button
  2. Select the Type of Identifier
  3. Enter the unique identifier code
  4. Click on the green save icon
  5. Be sure to click save on the profile to confirm the changes

Please note:
  1. Remember to test any new Identifier systems to ensure they have integrated with Reach and function correctly.
  2. Identifier types will need to be setup before they can be utilised, this can be done via System Configuration  >> Identifiers 

Extensive information regarding the setup of Student ID Cards can be found here: Using Student ID Cards in Reach

Additionally, QR Codes can also be used within the Reach portal as a fast check-in point for students.
Setup up the unique QR code, print and paste it to the required location door, or display on a screen for students / staff to scan and check-in using the Reach app.
View these documents for additional information regarding the use of QR Codes;
  1. Static QR for Locations
  2. How to Activate QR Codes
  3. Take Rollcall with Dynamic Rollcall

Additional Profile Tutorials

The following links provide steps to further setup and manage contact profiles;
  1. Quick Profiles and Welcome Emails
  2. Setting Staff PIN or Student PIN for SISO
  3. How to Use NFC Tags
  4. Student App - Leaves and Quick SISO
  5. How to Record Fingerprint Information in Reach

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