ARTICLE: People Management - Basic overview

ARTICLE: People Management - Basic overview

The People Management section of Reach is your access point to uploading, viewing, organising and editing all user profiles including; staff, students and parents. This section is split into to main areas, firstly, View Contacts to upload, manage or delete data/profiles, and secondly is Deleted Contacts to review, update, and reinstate profiles.

Main Menu >>People Management
  1. View Contacts
  2. Deleted Contacts

View Contacts

The contacts table presents the current profiles.

  1. Click to create new profiles
    1. Detailed information regarding profile management, please view the following videos;
      1. Quick Profiles and Welcome Emails   /  How to add a Host and Associate
      2. How to upload photos to profiles  /  How to Recover Deleted Contacts
  2. Bulk edit profiles
    1. Select the required profiles by highlighting the tick boxes per profile
    2. Click the bulk button and update the selected group
      1. Detailed information regarding bulk editing is provided here;
      2.  How to add Profiles and Bulk Edit  /  How to Bulk Edit Profiles 
  3. The columns drop-down menu allows table view adjustments by selecting or deselecting the required columns
  4. Select one or a multiple of role types to view
  5. Use the arrows per column header to rank data 
  6. Standard Reach filters allow the selection of specific groups
    1. The search bar can also be used to quickly find a profile by name
  7. Export data as required

Basic navigation to View and Update a Profile 

Click on a line item from the View Contacts list of profiles.

  1. Base profile details - Photo, Name, Role Type
  2. Quick link contact icons - Email, SMS, Call
  3. Save updates or delete the profile
  4. Tab pages - grouped category data
    1. This area is explained in more detail in the following section of this document
  5. Additional profile details - Home address, Date of profile creation, Last activity by the user (Eg, Jules Beatson), SIS & Reach Key Values
  6. Quick data
    1. Associations - connected parent / host / guardian profiles
    2. Identifiers - system tags created for student campus access (Eg, RFID Tags)
    3. Medical -  listed conditions and allergies
  7. Setup and Reset quick links
    1. Link Button 1 is provided to assist a contact that has forgotten their login password
    2. Link Buttons 2, 3, 4 are provided to assist a contact setup their profile
      1. Example, staff can create the profile and send the link and the contact can enter their personal data for a quick setup
  8. The data field, this will change depending which tab page is active

Profile Category Tabs Explained

  1. Personal
    1. Personal data specific to this contact
    2. Required items noted with an asterisk 
    3. Further information can be found here;
      1. Quick Profile - Document    /   Quick Profiles and Welcome Emails  /  How to Recover Deleted Contacts
  2. Address
    1. Personal data specific to this contact
  3. Security
    1. These settings are critical to the contact profile
    2. Role, a required item  noted with an asterisk, dictates how the profile data will appear throughout Reach
    3. Username, Password, PIN are all critical for the contact to access Reach via their login
    4. Detailed information regarding Role Types and Security Settings can be found here - User Security
  4. Metadata
    1. These settings dictate how the profile data will appear throughout Reach
    2. This can be especially critical to student and staff profiles when using the Kiosk for base data
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Metadata
  5. Associations
    1. This is the list of profiles connected to this contact
    2. A vital list to connect authorised parent, host and guardian profiles to a student
    3. When using leave management, (Signing students out, into the care of an adult) this list becomes critical to student safety 
    4. Detailed information can be found here - Associations

  6. Groups
    1. Created and managed by your school, groups allow greater functionality to the use of profile data throughout Reach
    2. Example, a student may be a member of different study, sport and activity groups
      1. Connecting a student profile to the required groups enhances the ability to manage groups quickly
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Groups
  7. Identifiers
    1. These can be student ID's, RFID tags, NFC tags, or QR codes and require Reach system setup before use
    2. They can then be connected to individual students via their profiles, and used to assist with Kiosk SISO transactions
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Identifiers
  8. Medical
    1. An incredibly useful and potentially vital section within a profile
    2. Add the students medication, medical conditions, notes, allergies, and appointments
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Medical
  9. Photo
    1. Upload or update as required
    2. Detailed information can be found here - Photo
  10. Permissions
    1. This allows you to control the Reach system access for this individual
    2. Your staff role type may not have access to control these permissions, if so, please speak with your schools Reach administrator 
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Permissions
  11. User Defined
    1. Created and managed by your school, user defined fields allow small specific profile data to be seen throughout Reach 
    2. These may include emergency contacts, medical alert data, swim certificates or drivers permit
    3. This data appears as icons per student card on the kiosk screen and within the student sidebar
    4. Detailed information can be found here - User Defined Fields
  12. Quotas
    1. Created and managed by your school, any event in Reach can act as a trigger to count towards a student quota
    2. The most common use of Quotas is to track leave events, or students attending specific locations. Eg, local shops per week
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Quotas
  13. Sticky Notes
    1. These can be added at any time and can be used to share information or used to force acknowledgement prior to sign out
    2. This can be very useful when a student, heading home on leave, is required to take important paperwork
    3. Detailed information can be found here - Sticky Notes
  14. Documents
    1. Upload or update as required
    2. Quick reference storage for student documents can save a great deal of time
    3. Detailed information can be found here Uploading Documents
  15. Attributes
    1. Created and managed by your school, these operate similar to User Defined fields
    2. Student profiles could contain annual accreditation documents for a sport league
    3. Staff profiles could contain annual accreditation for first aid, or teachings associations
    4. Detailed information can be found here - Uploading Attributes 
  16. Accommodation
    1. Booking notes here would reflect that the student has paid their accommodation for the school terms
    2. This is a feature of the Accommodation Manager Extension module
      1. This must be installed and enabled in your schools Reach portal to function
      2. Detailed information can be found here - Accommodation / Setup
  17. Roster
    1. This enables specific rosters to be activated for specific contacts
    2. This is a feature of the Staff Rostering Extension module
      1. This must be installed and enabled in your schools Reach portal to function
Please Note:  Remember to save any updates / edits / changes you may have made to individual contact profiles.

Deleted Contacts

When a contact is deleted in Reach, they are not 100% deleted, they are hidden/archived.  Reach does not delete contact data, so that a complete history for a student can be recovered at any time in the future, if required. For simplicity, these archived profiles are refer to as deleted contacts because they are not visible in your portal.

The ability to delete and/or recover deleted contacts is not available to all users, this is set by your schools Reach Administrator.

How to delete a contact 

Deleting contacts is simply a matter of opening the user's profile in the People Management > View Contacts screen and clicking on the Delete button, or by setting their Deleted field to "Yes" and save changes.  Once deleted a contact will no longer be visible in Reach.

When deleting a student, it is advised to also delete the student's parents or associated hosts or guardians no longer required.
Be sure not to delete hosts/guardians that are connected to multiple students. This is easily viewed in the individual profile, Associations Tab.

How to view and recover deleted contacts

A detailed tutorial regarding deleted contacts is provided here - How to Recover Deleted Contacts

A brief overview;
Reviewing and recovering deleted contacts is done via People Management >> Deleted Contacts.  

In the Deleted Contacts dialogue you can search for any criteria of a deleted user and any matching records will be displayed in a list below the search dialogue

Opening the profile of a deleted contact will allow you to reset their Deleted Status to NO, in order to reactivate the profile.

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