ARTICLE: Dashboards - Basic overview

ARTICLE: Dashboards - Basic overview

The Dashboards section with quick links to Airport View, Student Summary, Kiosk View and Manage Leave to name a few, is generally the most frequented section of the main menu, hence the term 'Dashboards'.
This document provides introductory information for each section, along with relevant links to documents and videos for more detailed guidance.

Main Menu >>Dashboards

Dashboard Sections Explained

Airport View 

The Airport View screen, also known as Student Movements, displays in a similar fashion to airport Arrivals and Departures screens. Its role is to provide a list of known movements for students that are scheduled to depart on approved leave events, or returning from off campus leave events, within the next 24 hours. This screen provides a "what's happening today" view of your student movements, features include; bulk sign in and sign out, add time, send messages, and edit the leave item.

Detailed information regarding Airport View, please view the following;
  1. Video - How to use Airport View
  2. Document - Airport View screen - Student Movement

Audit Log

The Audit Log maintains a record of all transactions, communications, or events that have occurred in your schools Reach portal. This is the accumulated data of historical recordings, 'the ultimate filing cabinet within Reach', with the recovery of records made easy by using the search fields within the Audit Log.
Using the provided filters, search for records by keywords, be more specific with dates/names or select from the Module items, then click the green 'Search Audit Log' button to begin.
View the displayed list, click line items for specific data and click the arrow icon for extended details which are listed chronologically and print as required.

Detailed information regarding the Audit Log, please view the following;
  1. Video How to use the Audit Log
  2. Documents - How to use the Audit Log   /   Tracking failed logins

Student Summary

The Student Summary is the hub of collated information for individual students within the Reach Portal. The goal of the Student Summary is to provide a holistic view of student activities, display all relevant transactions, and deliver third-party linked views for information regarding activities outside of the Reach system.
Simply select a student and their summary will open, the area displays base student data, the navigation section provides data areas such as; Associations, and history data for Pastoral, SISO, Roll Call and Leave.

Detailed information regarding the Student Summary, please view the following;
  1. Video How to use the Student Summary
  2. Document - Student Summary - Detailed

Email Log

Reach tracks the status of every email sent by your school's portal, these emails are tracked for the following results; 
  1. Successful delivery to the recipient's email server
  2. Opening of the email
  3. Clicking in the email (for leave authorisation requests)
  4. Failed or Rejected emails 
Reach uses this information to provide your school with solutions to email errors that may occur. Example, the school send an email to a parent, however it has not arrived, with this information, Reach can determine that the issue lays with the parents email service provider.
The information is also used to identify any suspicious leave approvals, where the records might indicate that a student is attempting to access the system as their parent and approve their own leave requests. This is also connected to IP alerts.

Detailed information regarding the Email Log, please view the following;
  1. Videos How to use the Email Log   /   How to view and assess IP Alerts
  2. Documents Checking Email Logs  /  Timeout Failures   /   IP Alerts for Leave Approvals
  3. Documents Troubleshoot Parents not receiving Emails   /  Sending a bulk Welcome Email   

Grading Summary

The Grading Summary is a brief overview of student numbers, the base view shows students in split groups, the top line shows the year groups and the bottom line shows the dorm groups, this is a view only area, to select a template and a date, the summary will display the relevant data.

The summary area is part of the larger Grading Module, designed for schools to create templates with questions that are customised for staff to monitor and keep track of specific tasks/requirements relating to students. 

Examples of Grading Template lists may include;
  1. A check list for move in day to the dorms
  2. Weekly room inspections
  3. After school or nightly study hall
Grading lists can also be used with specific Rollcall Categories or can be independent of a Rollcall.

Detailed information regarding the Grading Summary, please view the following;
  1. Summary - Document: How to use the Grading Summary
  2. Grading Module - Video: The Grading Module explained   /   DocumentHow to use the Grading Module

Kiosk View 

The Kiosk View screen is used to sign students in and out of the boarding house, to and from various on and off campus locations, including signing them out-to or returning-from approved leave events.

While the Metrics View provides a quick snapshot of students by location and on/off campus, the Kiosk View provides this in the locations legend. Each location shows the colour and the current number of students, to click this will isolate to only show those students.

The icon field can provide a great depth of data, depending how your school utilises the features, including;
  1. Colour coded locations
  2. Departure and Arrival leave dates and times
  3. Sticky Notes and User Defined Fields which can be loaded with quick useful data such as;
    1. Drivers Permit / Swim Certificate
    2. Medical Conditions / EpiPen use
    3. Appointments / Emergency Contact info
Detailed information regarding the Kiosk View, please view the following;
  1. Videos - How to use the Kiosk Screen  /  How to use Quick-Leave, Curfews and Flexi-Time
  2. VideosHow to use Quick Message   /  Kiosk quick Filters and Features
  3. Guide Kiosk View Tour
  4. Documents How to use the Kiosk View Screen   /   How to use Kiosk Grouping and Templates

Location Capacity Monitor

Real-time monitoring is provided within Reach by setting capacities to select locations, once the parameters are met, Reach indicates in two ways; first, via the traffic light display in the header bar, and secondly by a population count per location in Kiosk View.

Examples of locations with set capacity parameters may include;
  1. The senior study room / The music room
  2. Weekly sport training / Event attendance
Historic location data can also be used for contact tracing, to determine which students, shared which room, at which time, with a sick student, this could aid in reducing the cold/flu spreading throughout the school campus.

Detailed information regarding the Location Capacity Monitor, please view the following;
  1. Document Location Capacity Monitor - Explained 
  2. Video How to setup locations and manage capacities

Manage Leave 

The Manage Leave screen is the epicentre of leave management within Reach, displaying leave requests and their current data in a simple and very effective manner. Leave requests are generated by staff, parents and students and will be displayed on this screen from the moment they are created until the moment that it is completed.

Detailed information regarding Manage Leave, please view the following;
  1. Videos How to quickly Create and Approve Leave  /  How to use Cut Off Times
  2. Videos How to Approve Leave by Proxy  /  How to re-use Leave Requests  /  How to manage Sticky-Notes for SISO
  3. Videos How to Setup and Manage Locations  /  How to setup and manage Leave Types
  4. Videos How to identify Students without Leave  /  How to View and Assess IP Alerts
  5. Documents Manage Leave screen - Explained   /  Manage Leave Icons - Explained
  6. Documents How to Edit and Approve Leave Requests  /  Flexi-Time for Quick-Leave locations

Meals Dashboard

Meals are automatically calculated based on student numbers being on/off campus, however late / packed / special meals can also be managed within the Reach platform, there are three ways to view meal counts, and each display serves a different purpose;
  1. Meals Count - via - Metrics View
  2. Special Meals - via - Meals Dashboard
  3. Individual Student Day count - via - Meals Dashboard
Reach allows you to account for and display a list of special meals that are required by your student population for each meal, Special meals are considered to be any meal that is medically related.
Late and packed meal orders can be detailed when a leave request is being created. This feature must be setup when creating the leave type.

Detailed information regarding the Meals Dashboard, please view the following;
  1. Documents - Meal Count and Meals Dashboard    /   Accounting for Special Meals
  2. Document - Leave Type Configuration     /     Video - How to setup and manage Leave Types

Metrics View

This Dashboard is the landing page when logging into Reach, displaying a range of quick view information, including; student population per location, current pending or approved leave numbers, arrivals and departures, rollcalls or pastoral reports for the day, meal count, birthdays and school news.
This is a snapshot of 'the current happenings' which provides quick and easy relevant information from your school's Reach portal.

Detailed information regarding the Metrics View, please view the following;

Student Locator

The Student Locator provides a detailed dashboard view of your student population and their current location. This shows all current on/off campus locations of all students by default, you can refine the view using the filters provided, or search for an individual student.

Locations and their corresponding colours are created and managed by your school. 

Detailed information regarding the Student Locator, please view the following;

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